PoeticTransformation™ is the foundation of my practice. In order to change your life, you must be willing to look at your world through a different lens. A lens that is no longer ruled by limiting mindsets and behaviors, but rather ruled by intention and the essential feelings and core values that ignite you. Intention is already alive inside of you. It provides a sense of direction and clarity as to how you want to feel, what you really want, and how to get there. When you are clear on your intention there is only one question – to choose or not to choose - for in this choice you either build a life of intention or live a life of complacency. Are you ready to dive into your deepest being, where your feelings, emotions, fears, and dreams live?
Passion, Openness, Empowerment, Trust, Integrity, and Courage are the ones I believe we must tap into and bring to life if we want to authentically transform our lives. It is here we discover our truth and authentic self, catalyzing a shift in a being and feeling level rather than at a doing level.
- Passion - It is the fuel in the fire of action. Without action, passion yields no worthwhile results. It pushes through you when you are open and listening and feeling your deepest yearning and will do anything to be expressed. Pivoting towards passion can guide you to your true purpose.
- Openness - It is the pathway to possibility. It allows you to consider new options and solutions that can take you to the very places you want to go, internally and externally. Being accepting of or receptive to change or new ideas, behaviors, environments, and experiences is crucial to transformation.
- Empowerment - It is the driver within the desire. It requires you to become stronger and more confident in controlling your life. Shifting your paradigm to empowerment will help you create alignment with love, joy, and abundance instead of struggle, fear, and lack.
- Trust - It is an essential ingredient in all relationships. Especially the one you have with yourself. It requires you to choose to be vulnerable. To trust yourself, love yourself, and find the ability to look inward to be able to move outward.
- Integrity - It is the state of being whole and undivided. It “kills off” the victim within us. Your integrity is not measured by what happens to you but rather how you react and respond to what happens to you. This is where you take responsibility for your own life.
- Courage - It is the pillar of transformation. It will help you overcome your fears, explore and acknowledge your true feelings, and release what no longer serves you. It is your anchor for an authentic and evolving transformation.
I invite you today and every day, to go on your path of self-discovery and healing and incorporate PoeticTransformation™ into everything you say and do so that you can live authentically, honestly, and keep your hearts pure and minds free of doubt and uncertainty.